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Writer's pictureAlpha Echo Project

Memorial Day 2021

For anyone looking to bring a little meaning to your Memorial Day Weekend, we made an easy lineup to check out.

In response to the 9/11 attacks, our nation called on the 75th Ranger Regiment as one of the first units to respond in the War on Terror. On October 19, 2001, Rangers executed a low level airborne assault seizing Objective Rhino, and airfield in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Since that day, a reinforced Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment has been actively engaged in combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. For over eleven years, Rangers have maneuvered thru the breach in built up urban areas and small countryside compounds, conducting raids to capture or kill the enemies of the United States.

This picture portrays a Ranger Fire Team, with their distinctive equipment and armed with a SCAR-H and M-4s, and a Military Working Dog assaulting through a breach during a raid in the Global War on Terror. A Ranger Sniper Team and AH-6′s crewed by members of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment are in over-watch. The compound is typical of those Rangers assaulted in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Military Working Dog in the photo is Benno, whose story is told in an episode of The Warfighters:

Our core team for Alpha Echo Project. I can't express enough how much I learn about life, loyalty, teamwork, leadership, and humanity from these men every day.

We have an extended network of high-level operators as well, and each one brings an incredible skill set they enjoy teaching to us regular people of all backgrounds to make stronger people who are willing to help one another accomplish goals and great things.

This one is close to us because it depicts the true story of a Ranger Team's mission, told by the teammates in the fight, and although you can't see him by his blurry picture, one of our own AEP teammates was a part of this incredibly difficult day that will forever bind this band of brothers.

Episode available on most streaming platforms.

Objective Breton: Season 1, Episode 8.

Shootout For Soldiers is BACK!

2021 has three cities laid out so far for late July and early August:

Long Island, Canandaigua, and Baltimore.

We hope Philly can be added to the list! Let us know if you can help donate any time, raise funds, create a team, or connect us with resources!

More about Shootout For Soldiers:

A book that can changed one's entire paradigm about what we are all seeking in life, and why modern society can make so many people feel isolated.

Sebastian Junger illustrates a beautiful story of brotherhood and belonging, especially during our most difficult times.

Team RWB makes it easy to participate in activity to engage civilians and military, and especially our Gold Star Families who have lost a critical member of their lifeblood.

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